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Showing posts from May, 2020

An apology

"It was all your fault." I remember our these words that we blabbered on each other's face. Stopped talking ,ceased a breathtaking relationship via blocking each other. But I want to know Did it truly ceased there? Isn't there anything which makes you feel that there is still something between us ?  Where's your assiduous behaviour towards me? All just vanished while blinking our eyes. I never thought there would be a day possible ,      without talking to you but irony is , it's been an year since we talked .We decided not to talk just to flee from  An   Apology.  Was  An Apology  so petrifying that we weren't competent to apologise? Was it imperative to prove ourselves right over that relationship ?I wish I could do that apology for the sake of our breathing relationship. If I did so atleast we would have together now . Moreover I miss your presence at every passing second of my life.I feel completely defenstrate without you.You were like a cwtch to me.